My Cumulative Program: Part 1

My cumulative program is a “Choose Your Own Adventure” type game. I decided upon this idea off of some ideas thrown around in our online class discussion. My teacher, Mr. Lloyd Sommerer, gave the class a list of ideas to choose from. He also gave each person an option to think of other ideas, of…

My Cumulative Program: Part 4

This program focuses on a criminal’s journey through the cosmos, all while trying to escape the people he stole a diamond from. If you would like a more detailed overview of this program, my first post covers it. If you want some technicalities on the program or some highs and lows, my second post addresses…

My Cumulative Program: Part 3

This program focuses on a criminal’s journey through the cosmos, all while trying to escape the people he stole a diamond from. If you would like a more detailed overview of this program, my first post covers it. If you want some technicalities on the program or some highs and lows, my second post addresses…

My Cumulative Program: Part 2

This program focuses on a criminal’s journey through the cosmos, all while trying to escape the people he stole a diamond from. If you would like a more detailed overview of this program, my first post covers it. If you are a source code junky, my source code for this program is in my third…