
Line Art Project

For one of my first semester classes as a senior in high school, I chose to take Intro to the Visual Arts. In this class, we cover many of the basic visual arts such as ceramics, line art, color schemes, and self-portraits. This is the final piece for my Line Art Project. It was created with lines, colors, and shapes. I named it “Space Hypnosis” because I thought it looked like a scene in a movie where someone is dazed and starting to see colors and shapes that aren’t really there.

This project was fun but frustrating sometimes. To start, I took a quarter sheet of paper and drew a design using a ruler and compass to make each shape. I then photocopied this quarter sheet three other times and arranged them to make a full, symmetric sheet of paper. The arrangement process was a bit tricky because when I photocopied the page and cut it to size, it was never a perfect fit. I then had to improvise and make the four pages as symmetrical as I could get them using tape and magnets on the lightbox I used to trace the four onto one big page. Lastly, I colored in the traced lines dark and bold to give the final project the best look possible.

I liked this project but it became a little tiring when I had to color all the black as dark as possible. I went through at least 4 black colored pencils and it grew tedious very quickly. I decided to try to complete the black parts first but then on some of the colored lines, you can see black because I accidentally colored over the line and couldn’t erase it. Other than that, I liked the symmetry and focus points the image created.